Sweet sleep

I feel so tired all the time. It may have something to do with lack of exercise, but I don’t have time (see also: the pile of plates in my sink). Or maybe I do have time, but i’m too tired to do anything with it that isn’t sit in front of a computer? I don’t know and I hate it. At least I’m (hopefully) getting a new prescription for glasses tomorrow.

Art: 11/80 Drew Thursday, Friday (still the watercolour, so 0.5) and today (missed Saturday), so that 2.5 added to my 8.5 (still missing 4).

Reading: 2/10 (research: 0/3). Reading 4 books, two of which are research.

Writing: I’m roughly 500 and 1.5k words behind on OvM and SaF respectively. I’ve adjusted wordounts to finish within my goals for the month.

Goals for the coming week: 8 art pieces (not counting the watercolour), so I can catch up the missing pieces one by one; 1 book read; 550 words on OVM and 700 words on SaF a day (again so I can catch up).

At this rate, all I’ll do in November is sleep the month away.

Sure, whatever

I’ve signed up for Camp NaNoWriMo and I’ve been assigned a cabin already. One of my cain mates mmentionned “needing” to wait for July 1 to start writing. I asked why and was told because “Nano is serious”, which hahaha what. I thought the whole point of NaNoWriMo was to get people to write, not to stop them from writing by waiting for an arbitrary date. I pointed out that NaNoWriMo can be won ‘just’ by writing 50k in a month. The reply to this was that he didn’t think he could do it if he started now.

Sure, whatever. You wait for that arbitrary date to start writing. My daily wordcount is 750 words currently, there are 11 days left before July starts, so by then I’ll have 8k+ words written and you’ll have nothing. But, you know, whatever. But when July comes around I’ll have finished a novel, hoepfully two*, and you’ll have not finished anything, by your own admission. I hope you reach your wordcount goal, but I have my doubts.

*There are two scenes left to be written in CatLQ and I’ve started the first one and know exactly how the second one is going to go.

Flopping around like a dying fish

This week is terrible. I’ve new commitments that are eating a substantial amount of my time and forced down time where I can’t do anything. I’m trying to fill the down time with reading, playing 2048 and making novel playlists, but that still doesn’t leave me enough time at the end of the day for writing and I am getting kind of stressed on one of the commitments.

Despite this, I’v reached the epilogue of CatLQ. it’s slow going, but this draft should be done by July at the latest. By hook or by crook it’s going to have to be, because I’m doing Camp NaNoWriMo in July and I am not working on CatLQ for that, because I am starting SaF again, yesssss.

I think I’ll start edits on Over the Mountains when I’m done with the first draft of SaF, since it’ll be 6+months since I finished it in early February. That time, plus the new first drafts, should give me enough distance and experience to vastly improve it. Also, I have all those notes of things to change and improve already. I’m hoping to get the wordcount to 90k or so, since the current 70k feel kind of short. Of course, it’ll be a challenge to keep the story going strong over those extra words. Anyway, I’ll worry about all this later. I’m looking forward to spending time with those folks again!